People often ask me, can I have a birth chart reading if I don't know my birth time? 

In short - Yes you can have a birth chart reading without knowing your birth time. Don’t let that stop you from exploring Astrology and reaping it’s rewards. You can still find out many aspects of your personality through the placement of the planets, the aspects they are making to each other and read tons of valuable information. You can even have a 1 Year Forecast Reading without knowing your birth time and learn of all the energies to come your way.

If you don’t know your birth time Astrologers will set your chart to 12pm which is the middle of that day as it's the half way point. However look at the differences between a 12pm chart Vs. the actual birth time chart below...  

12pm Vs Actual 2.jpg

The 4 angles will be in the wrong signs and the planets have shifted around the chart into different houses. However in most cases the planets don’t change signs

  • The Sun and Mercury is still in Gemini

  • The Stellium of Uranus, Neptune, Mars, Saturn and Venus are still in Capricorn

  • The Moon and Pluto are still in Scorpio

  • Jupiter and Chiron are still in Cancer

So much can be read from the planetary placement in specific signs and the aspects they are making to one another. Transits and forecasting can be read from the 12:00 chart too. Astrologers just can’t focus on your house cusps or Angles.

Astrology is an extremely in depth but intricate tool to use when looking at the complexities of someone’s personality and their life journey ahead. If you want your reading to be very precise and accurate and you don’t know your time, there are actually techniques astrologers can use in order to work it out.

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How do Astrologers work out your birth time?


The angles in your chart are very important points and these change every 2 hours throughout the day. 

The most telling angle is your Asc which is your Ascendant or rising sign. This is a big key to your overall personality because it represents how you meet the world, the first impression you make on new people and what we can tend to hide behind.

The Mc is your Medium Coeli or Midheaven and this dictates your public face. What do you want to be known for and how do you strive for it?

The Dsc is your Descendant and this angle describes how you handle relationships in your life. From lovers to friends and family. 

The IC is your Imum Coeli which is where you have come from. It represents your roots and family upbringing. 

Astrologers like to focus on your ‘BIG 3’ Signs...the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. As mentioned above the angles change sign roughly every 2 hours, the Sun changes sign every 30.5 days, the Moon changes sign every 2.5 days and the Ascendant changes every 4 minutes.

I know a few people who have actually thought they were one Sun sign their whole life and then we have looked at their chart with an accurate birth time and they are the next sign along or behind. This is why the birth time is important in being able to unlock your true character and personality.    

It can actually help if the Sun or Moon changes sign that day, because people act out both of these energies on a daily basis so that can normally be pin pointed. Then the window of what Ascendant and angles you have is narrowed down.

Astrologers will often use their intuition and pick up on that first initial energy you are giving off to help decide on the rising sign. They will ask you a series of questions in order to get the four angle correct such as, how do you experience relationships? What do you do for work and how are you recognised? What was your family and up bringing like? This will then narrow the time down to within 2 hours. 

To obtain the actual time, Astrologers use a technique called Solar Arc Direction. Solar Arc Direction speaks of all the major events in our lives so you will have to confirm with your Astrologer when major life changes happened for you (and the age you were) and then the birth time will be set according to these events. As a result the chart will then be in-sync with who you are as a person and inline with your life events.

The chart is yours! 

If you don’t know your Birth time and would like to explore this with me, book a 30 minute Astrology reading and we can work it out.