The four elements are the crux of most interpretational and symbolic practises. Whether that's Astrology, Tarot or Palmistry...the four elements are always at the core and the root of the meanings. So what do they mean and how do they manifest in Astrology and Tarot?


Astrology Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagitarius 

Tarot Suit: Wands


Astrology Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Tarot Suit: Pentacles


Astrology Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

Tarot Suit: Swords


Astrology Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Tarot Suit: Cups

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The Fire energy is alive, over the top and extremely passionate. It's where you find drive, discover self-expression and be creative. It's hot, fast and action orientated. It gives a great warmth of love and is in it for the moment...anything in the future can wait...the present is now so lets grab it, take it and give it our all. Fire is seizing that new opportunity, packing a bag and heading off around the world and declaring your love for someone WHILE TELLING THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IT! Fire isn't subtle...It's exciting, adventure, go-getting and out there. 

However as easily as Fire ignites, it's quick to burn out. Fire can have a burning desire to rise to the top, and then half way through the project, looses it's Mojo and it's gone...bye bye! Dead! But what's next? What's the next new thing? Let me pursue it while it's hot until, oh wait...that's not fun anymore. So moving on. 

Without Fire we would have no newness or excitement. Life would be mundane, logical and over worked.   


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Earth is regrettably...everything sensible. Yes, not much fun here. But without it, nothing would have a form, manifest or be sustained. Earth is an extremely vital element within the four. Earth is real, always there, reliable and slow moving. 

Yet Earth has a beautiful, nurturing and nourishing side. It's where time is spent crafting, using skills and getting slowly but surely getting to the top. Earth has a plan and a lesson to teach us all. Sometimes we can't just rush in to things but we need to grow, learn and blossom. That's the Earth energy.  

It represents our work, our finances and our attitude towards responsibility...someone has to be the responsible one or chaos would descend! It's extremely practical and hands on. While Fire is on the stage performing it's heart out, Earth is back stage keeping everyone in check and running the show. Without this incredibly strong stable energy, everything would fall apart. 

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Air represents our mentality. It's our thoughts, communication and how we relate to one another. It's our logic, intellect and mind set. 

When Fire is too talking of big dreams and Earth is speaking too practically...Air comes in with the ability to see both sides of the argument and addresses the situation with rational. It's very well rounded and level headed. Air is always full of information and's the element that keeps us sane. 

Air is challenging. It wants to push our thoughts, prevent narrow mindedness and grow our vision. It pushes our mental capacity as far as it can go...and only then will an Air energy feel accomplished. It wants to fill the mind, push boundaries and connect with others. 

What are you thinking? It is the truth? They are truth seekers...Air loves a debate and will stick to what it believes in until proven otherwise...but let's face it, Air is usually right!!

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Water lives it's life through the heart. It doesn't approach the world with realism, logic or excessive feels it's way. The element of compassion, intuition and sensitivity. It can meet someone and instantly gain a vibe of the surrounding energy. Water senses happiness, sadness and deep complex emotions quickly and easily. It has an ability to tune into how other's are feeling and be sympathetic and supportive. 

But Water can be extremely unpredictable. One minute it can be a light rain with the Sun trying to break through and the next a huge thunder and lightening storm out of no where. This is the emotional turmoil Water experiences. Feelings and desires can come out of nowhere and incredibly strong and overwhelming. 

Water loves to have physical water in it's life. Whether that's living by the sea side, having a water feature in the home or garden or jet setting off to the sea whenever peace is needed. Water is very introverted and needs it's time alone in order to recharge and feel complete. 

Water is what fills our hearts deeply and feeds our souls. It's the element of spirituality.