Do you 'BELIEVE' in the TAROT?

I’ve just come across my 2017 Tarot exam paper I submitted for my Tarot Certificate at The London School of Astrology. Having a reminiscing read and wanted to share a question and answer with you all which I really enjoyed writing at the time…how would you of answered this?



You are engaged in conversation at a social event with someone who says they don’t ‘believe’ in the Tarot, but asks what you see in it. Explain how you would respond to this person.


I would say, ‘Today, I personally see a lot in Tarot card reading. I, like you, also never ‘believed’ in Tarot, however found myself very curious about it a few years ago. It was only after studying Tarot, I found a very strong connection to it. I like it because when Tarot was first founded in Europe in the 15th century it was just a game. I love this fact and always bear this in mind. If you want to open your mind to Tarot or give it ago, go with the sense it is just a light hearted fun game. This thought process will enable you to enjoy and take pleasure in a reading, even if you take nothing else from it. In my own experience, I started doing readings and was surprised how often the cards mirrored my own thoughts, feelings or present situation. This was when Tarot won me over. Now I see and use Tarot as a tool in my life whenever I need an alternative perspective on a problem I’m having. I see it as a way of opening my mind to different energies, possible outcomes and ways of thinking. When I have unlocked these mysteries, I can then make a more informed decision on my life as I have opened other possibilities for myself I may not have necessarily found elsewhere. I love how mobile Tarot is and how a reading can be done for anyone, anywhere, anytime. I see Tarot as a universal game that everybody can play. I don’t know if you have experienced Tarot before or not, however if you are curious I would recommend you go for a reading with this new insight in mind and just have fun.’