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Taurus is characterised by the animal of the Bull. Naturally being very placid and easy going it takes a lot to wind up a Taurus and get a reaction out of them. But when the wrong buttons are pressed too often, my gosh you can flip out, see red and completely go into charge mode and bulldoze your way through. Whether that’s in a heated debate or being pushed to your limit, when your temper comes out, everyone will know about it. But Taurus never does this for superficial reasons or dramatic effect, you know when they are mad, it’s because you’ve really upset them.



Taurus is ruled by the beautiful goddess Venus so naturally you are very calm, graceful and placid people. Beauty is important to you and you have a great appreciation for the simple yet finer things in life. Either an avid saver or an avid spender; money is a big part of your life. But for those of you who are the spenders, this can include luxury items, designer clothes or fine dining…because at the end of the day, you put the hard work and graft in, so it’s yours to enjoy. Venus also loves art and the arts so you can be very creative and enjoy music, gigs, dance, theatre and art galleries. So long as it sends vibrations through your soul and has your senses aroused, you’re in. Taurus is the most sensual sign of them all enjoying the more intimate part of a relationship like physical closeness, romance and massage.



As an Earth sign you are extremely down to Earth people. As the Earth turns slowly on its axis, you can also be quite slow in your ways. Taurus is never in a rush and always calm. You are practical, reliable and everyone knows they can count on their Taurian friend as you keep other signs grounded and comforted.

Earth also brings a sense security. You need to feel secure financially and in your environment at all times. Owning your own home is probably very important to you now or one day because you want to be grounded and settled. Making investments with your money and knowing you are putting away for the future can give you a great deal of comfort. Taurus can be very territorial, and you like to gather or hoard your belongings and possessions so you can physically see your own wealth which also makes you feel secure.

Being connected to the physical Earth is significant to you and you have a love for the great outdoors and our wonderful mother nature. Feeling at one amongst the tree’s and countryside is what refuels you.


MODE: Fixed

You are a Fixed sign which means at times you can be very stubborn and fight against change. You will only make changes to your life when it’s on your terms and at your own pace. Pushy people around you can make you frustrated and uncomfortable. When arguing you can meet someone with such resistance you will never back down from your side. The way you can digs your heels in and hold your ground is astonishing.


BODY PART: Throat, Neck and Vocal Cords

With Taurus being so down to Earth and having a strong sense of ‘realness’, your throat and necks are normally strong and solid, because so are the words you speak. You are firm talkers and what you are saying is real. However, your ruler Venus means when you choose you can also sweeten things up making you good conversationalists and charmers. Lastly thick vocal cords can make you fabulous singers with strong voices.

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