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Your Glyph of the ‘V’ shape with the curly edges has two meanings. Firstly, it represents a new shoot of life growing up from the ground like a baby plant. Aries is the first sign of our incredible Zodiac and the first day of Aries is also the first day of Spring hence the glyph. This means you are fresh, innovative people who love all things new and exciting. Being born at Spring where flowers are shooting up from the ground and new life is all around us, you naturally spring into action at all the times. The second interpretation is the Ram’s horns which is also your ruling animal or symbol. The Ram encompasses the Aries energy because of your natural reaction to head butt your way through life. Always approaching life head on and charging into situations, ideals and events without necessarily thinking first.   



Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars, The God of War! You are always on a mission in life and to fight for what you believe in. This can be deemed aggressive or argumentative from the view point of other signs, but it’s only because you are so enthusiastic that your thoughts and feelings burst out of you. If there is a war to be had, you are on the front line, ready to go. You are the warriors…Never mess with an Aries or you may suffer the consequences. The Mars energy also makes you conquerors and in the business world you can be ruthless. You lead the way with your new ideas, visions and goals. Lastly Mars brings an extremely sexual energy and living life to the full completely turns you on.



As a Fire sign you guys are passionate about what you do, but most importantly you’re driven and ambitious. You can always count on an Aries to pave the way, become an entrepreneur or leader. As natural leaders you excel in taking charge and injecting freshness into everything you touch. However as quick as fire ignites, you can get bored very easily and give up on projects which aren’t fuelling your fantasy any longer. But your next idea or venture is always around the corner. With your fiery energy and quick tongue people can leave feeling burnt with it being your intention or not. But in contrast to this, you have the most wonderful youthful side to you out of all the signs. Your ability to play, be young heart-ed and silly and enjoy life to the full is a beautiful quality we can all learn from!


MODE: Cardinal

As a Cardinal sign, you have such a vibrant energy which is almost bursting out of you. This means you can come across pushy, seem impatient and be extremely competitive but it’s only because an Aries knows who they are, what they want and how to get it. Your hunger to always be first in life is what makes you so driven. Instead of reviewing things thoroughly or pondering on something, you are the risk takers who jump into action.


BODY PART: Head and Brain

Aries rules the body part of the head because you dive straight in and head first into everything. As a result of this you are always banging your head and can be prone to migraines. With Aries ruling the brain as well, because you are so action orientated, sometimes you don’t even give yourself a chance to think before you are off and away and blurted out exactly what you think.

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